Importance of a Wills and Estates Lawyer

Choosing the right lawyer for your Wills and Estates matters is crucial. You need someone with expertise, compassion, clear communication and a personalised approach to tailor solutions that fit your specific situations and goals.
SMR Legal stands out as a trusted name with a team of experienced lawyers dedicated to helping their clients navigate the complexities of Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Estate matters with care and professionalism.

Our Services

SMR Legal offers a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of our clients, including:

  • Estate Planning
  • Will – new or updated
  • Powers of Attorney: financial, medical and/or lifestyle decisions
  • Trusts
  • Letter of Intent
  • Advanced Care Directive
  • Grant of Probate
  • Letters of Administration
  • Estate Administration
  • Deceased Estate Disputes – challenging validity of a Will
  • Guardianship

Our Team

Our team that will expertly guide you through your Wills and Estates matters include Maree Leschke, Stephen Merrylees, Nina O’Brien and Leah Simpson. Choose us for your Wills and Estates needs and gain peace of mind knowing you’re in capable hands.
Contact us today to get started by calling (03) 5821 0777, emailing or submitting an online enquiry here.

SMR Legal Shepparton and Melbourne